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Project Address: Mingdu New Town, Shanghai, China
Type of Project: Private House
项目设计:Jemo Design

We hope that when designing each space, we should not only make the space itself full of imagination, but also create an atmosphere that can infect everyone around us. Gentle and modern French lines, warm pink, titanium small details, everywhere shows the delicate life, home, should have a warm look .
· Web:www.jemodesign.com
· Press contact:jemo2010@jemo-design.com
· Weibo:weibo.com/jemodesignsh
地区: 上海
客厅选择女业主喜爱的米白色点缀些许粉色调与米色布艺沙发搭配,再加以金色线条的质感家具的调和,丰富了空间的层次,也让整个客厅披上一层精致的气息,又采用大量的留白,清新雅致,牵引出一个宁静舒适的空间氛围。 The living room chooses the beige that the female owner likes to decorate with a little pink tone and beige cloth art sofa, and then harmonizes the texture furniture of golden lines, enriches the level of space, and makes the whole living room clothed with a layer of exquisite breath, and uses a large number of white space, fresh and elegant, drawing out a quiet and comfortable space atmosphere.
客厅里的软装家具,仿佛在述说着生活的艺术。靠墙的沙发慵懒惬意,墙面造型墙与别具一格的线条粉色调色让整个空间轻盈质感,散发出优雅舒适的氛围。 The soft furniture in the living room seems to be telling the art of life. The sofa against the wall is lazy and comfortable. The wall modeling wall and the unique line pink color matching make the whole space light and comfortable, giving out an elegant and comfortable atmosphere.
给生活做减法,电视背景墙也没有过多繁复装饰,洁白的墙面搭配造型独特的灯饰,和线条明朗的电视柜,营造出一个安静优雅的居住环境。巧妙的软装搭配让整个空间优雅温馨,一个完美而舒适的家居空间,撩拨着蠢蠢欲动的心。 Make subtraction for life, TV background wall is not too complicated decoration, white wall with unique lighting, and clear lines of TV cabinet, to create a quiet and elegant living environment. Ingenious soft clothing collocation makes the whole space elegant and warm. A perfect and comfortable home space stirs up a heart ready to move.
米白色的玄关加上银色金属边框,简单中带着优雅大气,花瓶中黄色和蓝色的花给整个空间增加鲜艳色彩,过道上的些许小灯散发出暖暖的黄光,让整个空间显得更加的温馨。 The beige porch with silver metal frame is simple and elegant. The yellow and blue flowers in the vase add bright colors to the whole space. Some small lamps in the corridor emit warm yellow light, which makes the whole space more warm.
厨房采用黑白配的简约风,墙面是雅白的大理石纹理的墙砖,搭配同色系的橱柜,雅白的台面与吊柜,散发着淡淡的优雅,让做饭的空间也显得静雅而干净舒适,既简约又大气。 The kitchen uses the simple style of black and white, the wall is elegant white marble texture wall brick, with the same color system of cabinet, elegant white table and cabinet, exudes a light of elegance, so that the cooking space also appears quiet and elegant, clean and comfortable, both simple and atmospheric.
白色的旋转楼梯,木色的地板,加上点绿色的盆栽,整个空间显得亲切又自然。顺滑的曲线感让整个楼梯看起来极具设计感,立体感满满。 White spiral staircase, wood color floor, plus a little green potted plants, the whole space appears friendly and natural. The smooth curve feeling makes the whole staircase look very designed and full of three-dimensional feeling.
儿童房以粉白灰为主色,满满的少女气息,房间内放置的小熊靠椅和毛绒玩具瞬间把你带入粉粉的梦幻世界。 The children's room is mainly pink and white, full of girl's breath. The baby bear chair and plush toys in the room instantly bring you into the pink dream world.
主卫通铺水磨石瓷砖,粉色的鱼骨拼瓷砖拼接墙面,工艺复杂充满高级感,黄铜轻奢风壁龛好看又好用。干湿分离设计,让生活更方便,整体搭配清新自然。 The main bathroom is paved with terrazzo tiles, and the pink fish bone tiles are used to join the wall. The process is complex and full of high-level sense. The brass light luxury niche is good-looking and easy to use. Dry wet separation design, make life more convenient, the overall collocation is fresh and natural.
卧室高级灰配色,深灰色的床头背景墙,一副深色系油画,充满阳光的飘窗,整个空间洋溢着华丽优雅的气质,床头淡淡的灯光温暖舒适,每天早上不想从睡梦中醒来。 The bedroom has a high-grade gray color matching, dark gray bedside background wall, a pair of dark oil paintings, and a sunny bay window. The whole space is filled with gorgeous and elegant temperament. The light light light at the head of the bed is warm and comfortable. I don't want to wake up from my sleep every morning.
阁楼上也设计两个书桌,孩子可以在这里学习,两排置物架可以放一些杂物书籍用来收纳,靠窗旁放置了一张休闲吊椅,晒太阳、喝茶聊天,太舒服啦~ There are also two desks on the attic, where children can learn, two rows of shelves can put some miscellaneous books for storage, and a leisure hanging chair is placed by the window to bask in the sun and drink tea and chat. It's so comfortable~
阁楼空间一分为二,卫生间的采用水墨色的大理石,在灯光的照射下熠熠发光,极具高级感。浴缸旁的粉色格子储物台给整个空间加上了活泼元素的点缀,淡雅又不失清新。洗衣房以白色为主调,再融入粉色的储物柜,清新自然。 The attic space is divided into two parts. The bathroom uses ink colored marble, which is shining under the light, and has a high-level sense. The pink lattice storage platform beside the bathtub adds the ornament of lively elements to the whole space, which is elegant and fresh. Laundry with white as the main tone, and then into the pink locker, fresh and natural.
旋转楼梯上来,懒人沙发随意摆放在地板上,柔和的灯光从四周透漏出来,在周末午后可以窝在沙发上尽情享受属于自己的慵懒时光。 Spiral stairs up, lazy sofa randomly placed on the floor, soft light from around the leakage, in the weekend afternoon can nest on the sofa, enjoy their own lazy time.
在软装搭配上,一切以简约来突出品位,同时选择更灵活的配饰,创造出轻奢化的法式浪漫,在强化主题风格的同时,提升了空间的艺术感。再摆放一些精致的花艺,无意间使整个空间更为亲切鲜活,细节中尽显设计师的匠心美意。 In terms of soft clothing collocation, everything highlights the taste with simplicity, and selects more flexible accessories to create a light and extravagant French romance, which enhances the artistic sense of space while strengthening the theme style. Then put some exquisite flower art, inadvertently make the whole space more intimate and fresh, the details show the designer's ingenuity and beauty.
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