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There is no sound kinder, more sentimental and passionate than it. Upon thinking about it, our eyes and hearts will be wet by water splashes even under the burning sun.
地区: 江苏 泰州市
In order to highlight the concept of ecological health, the designer designed the traditional waterwheel landscape. Due to the ancient waterwheel, the space is full of the senses of design and nature, which further enriches the humanistic feelings and natural charms of the space.
In the meantime, the rotating waterwheel and running water can reduce the sluggish sense of other buildings in the lobby. The design method combining motion with quietness makes the space full of poetic flavor and endless artistic conception.
Swallow river is long and endless. While encountering the waterwheel, customers will slow down unconsciously. This is the resting place lost in a reverie. The gurgling stream is like the sound of nature, so that people suddenly can return to the ancient village where the moonlight is between pine trees, and water runs over stone and feel the quietness and hope in life.
Pelelith bursts forth the beauty full of vicissitudes thousands of years ago and burns the passion of youth.
Upon entering the lobby, customers can encounter the pelelith. The elaborately carved pelelith stays the same and is seemingly running and rolling. That struggling sculpture, that flowing pattern and that wind erosion like a honeycomb freeze the passion, stop the thoughts and air dry the memories.
Based on the unique modelling sculpture, the pelelith shows motion in quiescence, so that the whole lobby has the flowing senses of history and nature. The customers can be immersed in the unlimited historical atmosphere and natural breath.
The pelelith with the beauty full of vicissitudes forms the sense of ceremony in front of the gate of the folk residence with the hitching post in the space, the stone to mount a horse and get down from a horse, drum-bearing stone and other stoneware.
Originated from the solemnity of ornamental columns and balusters beyond the ritual and the decorative sense of the hitching post and other building components, this sense of ceremony makes every customer return to the past which has gone forever.
The designer changed the original windows into the bay windows of tatami and transformed the glass wall into the beveled whole glass, so as to perfectly integrate the leisure area of the water bar with the external landscape, make the line of sight transparent and bright and conform to the theme of ecological health.
In the VIP tearoom in the lobby, wooden tea table, tea set and cupboard are full of elegant charm against green plants. The automatic door of the tea room was made by the designer on the spot with steel plates, strengthening the texture and interestingness of the whole space. Customers can truly experience the pleasure of tea tasting, so as to wash their dusty minds and return to the original nature.
With a large-area lobby, the original building is not tall. Therefore, in order to remove the sense of repression and create the natural and ecological spatial atmosphere, the designer took the dark colors as the general tonality of the space and applied black to the ceiling. Through the color design method, the space will be deeper, simpler and full of natural spirit.
The corridor of guest rooms is simple and clean. Set off by black walls, oak doors show the antique flavor. The interior design of guest rooms is light, simple and elegant. Wood floors, beds, door frames and other elements make the resting place more natural and quieter.
There is a land of idyllic beauty with peach flowers and running river. Customers can have a rest here after passing crossing the lava and passing by the waterwheel and experience the mental state that after staying in the place of confinement for a long time, we return to the nature at the end.
ABOUT 鄭聖民 職位職稱: 中国建筑文化研究会 装科委 副会长 河北美术学院环境艺术学院 客座教授 美国科罗拉多州设计艺术学院 客座教授 《中国建筑装饰》杂志 全国学术指导委员 香港室内设计师协会 执委会 委员 中国国际建筑装饰设计博览会 副主任委员 中国建筑装饰协会环境艺术分会 专家委员 国际金创意奖大学生空间设计大赛 评委 中国筑巢奖 设计师评委 国家一级智能建造师 ICDA国际注册高级室内建筑师 AXKG国家注册高级室内设计师 …… 求學經歷: 意大利米兰理工大学 硕士学位 先后研修于:北京·清华大学美术学院 日本·东京艺术大学 意大利·布雷拉美术学院 …… 部分獎項: 法国· Design Converge杂志 封面人物 中国·金创意奖TOP10国际知名设计师 美国·TITAN地产设计大奖 金奖 美国·MUSE缪斯国际设计奖 金奖 香港·亚太设计师封面人物 法国·NDA设计大赛 铜奖 意大利·IIDA AWARD 国际设计大奖 日本· IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计奖 香港·亚太设计师品牌人物 中国·国际环艺设计 华鼎奖 金奖 亚太· APSDA空间设计大赛 金奖 中国·CBDA金鹰设计大赛 金奖 中国·国际空间设计大赛 银奖 香港·亚太设计大赛 住宅空间 至尊奖 中国·建筑装饰CBDA设计奖 银奖 中国·空间陈设艺术设计大赛 金奖 香港·亚太设计大赛 酒店空间 钻石奖 香港·亚太豪宅空间 十大设计师 中国·CBDA金鹰设计大赛 铜奖 …… 媒體報道: 深圳卫视、香港卫视、澳亚卫视、南方卫视 广东卫视、星空卫视、江西卫视、靖江日报 今日头条、新浪家居、网易家居、搜狐焦点 深圳特区报、香港商报、消费日报、腾讯网 等媒体电台报道。 ……
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