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   ◆设计团队:王寅思 朱良平 陈佰慧 陈泽玲 杨凯文 冼俊成

   ◆软装团队:余梦洁 李雨彤 魏振华 提提

   ◆摄    影:朱雨蒙

地区: 云南 大理白族自治州
当一束光穿越十字架的缝隙,在礼堂地面投射出一条垂直的建筑光影,随着太阳高度角的变化,这一刹那短暂而易逝,并不是永恒的时间与空间的关系。 When a beam of light passes through the gap of the cross, casting a vertical architectural light and shadow on the church floor, as the sun's altitude angle changes, this moment is short and fleeting, and is not an eternal relationship between time and space.
如果说这片土地是我的甲方,这将是我一生的荣耀。 If God is my client, it will be the glory of my life.
和宇宙的浩渺相比,我们是微不足道的存在,我们渴望得到认可,渴望得到回应,渴望跨越我们所向往的和现实之间的鸿沟,而聚集、交流,让我们找到彼此之间的精神连结。 Compared with the vastness of the universe, we are insignificant beings, we long for recognition, we long for response, we long to cross the gap between what we aspire to and reality, and gather, communicate, and let us find spiritual connection with each other.
在我看来,这里是需要诉说时提供的固定地点,迷失方向的时候帮我们找到精神支撑,我们在这里讨论的是哲学的三个终极问题:你是谁?你从哪里来?要到哪里去?每个人都有不同的使命,在追问中我们或许更能认清自己的精神所需。 In my opinion, this is a fixed place to provide when we need to talk, to help us find spiritual support when we are disoriented. We are discussing here the three ultimate questions of philosophy: Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going? Everyone has a different mission, and we may be able to recognize our spiritual needs better in the process of questioning.
通过光,感受自己与云同在,由此进入敞开心扉的对话,开启一场心灵之旅。 Through the Light, feel yourself in the presence of God, enter into an open dialogue, and begin a spiritual journey.
没有比白色更适合礼堂了,因为它代表着基督,圣洁、宁静,还有我童年深处的记忆,那是家乡中的白色尖顶礼堂。 There is nothing better for a church than white, because it represents Christ, holiness, serenity, and the deep memories of my childhood, the white spire church in my hometown.
关于人和精神的对话,你是否找到了内心的答案?如果无法回到过去,改变故事的开头,我们可以从现在开始,尝试改变故事的结尾,当你从中走出时,或许已发生了变化, Have you found the answer to the inner answer to the conversation between man and spirit? If you can't go back to the past and change the beginning of the story, we can start from now on, try to change the end of the story, and when you come out of it, maybe it has changed.
这便是我们设计的礼堂,一座发放的,拥有白色尖顶的礼堂,它矗立在这悬崖之上,现在你是否愿意来这里诉说内心的世界? This is the church we designed, a church with a white spire that stands on this cliff, and now you would like to come here and tell the inner world?
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