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一直保持与自己舒适圈的距离,让自己站在更高的维度,更宽阔的视角去感受和领悟这个世界的一切,仿佛他们什么声音都没有发出,但似乎又说了很多,人总要经历很多人和事,多几道皱纹,多几次宿醉、揪下几根白发,才仿佛对这一辈子有了几分自己的态度。 ——刘鑫 2020、5.13 I have been keeping a distance from my comfort zone, and let myself stand in a higher dimension and a broader perspective to feel and understand everything in the world, as if they didn't say anything, but they seemed to say a lot,People always have to go through a lot of people and things, more wrinkles, more hangovers, pulling off a few white hair, just as if they have a bit of their own attitude towards this life —— Liu Xin 2020, 5.13
总裁办公室 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 总裁办公室进门的玄关处理没有用中式的隔断,用一个圆形壁炉更能表达空间的温度。在整个空间做个三个空间序曲,分别是办公、会客、茶室。他们之间既有分割又有独立的空间形式,恰如其分的平衡与稳定,传达出现代办公的东方气质。 There is no Chinese partition for the entrance of the president's office. A circular fireplace can better express the temperature of the space. Make three space Overtures in the whole space: office, reception and tea area. There are both separate and independent space forms between them, with proper balance and stability, conveying the Oriental temperament of modern office.